Callable stock def

Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par

Callable stock may be issued in order to have the option of retaining tighter control over a business, or to avoid paying interest on preferred stock. The issuer buys back the shares under the terms of an agreement that states the buy back price (known as the call price ) and the dates or circumstances under which the issuer can buy back the shares. Callable Preferred Stock is a type of preferred stock which gives the issuer the right to call or redeem the stock at a pre-set price after a pre-determined date. Also known as callable preferred shares, it is a popular means for financing large-scale organizations as it uses a combination of debt and equity financing. Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par Definition: Callable preferred stock gives the corporation the right to purchase/retire or “call” the stock from its shareholders at a specific future time and price usually determined at issuance. In other words, the company can force the shareholder to sell his stock back to the company at a given date in the future. Callable common stock is an equity stake in a company where either the issuer or a third party has the right, but not the obligation, to repurchase the stock at a specific price after a certain date. callable preferred stock. Definition. A preferred stock that allows the issuer to repurchase the issued stock at a predetermined price. The right to repurchase is usually exercised when market rates fall below the preferred stock rate at time of issue.

callable stock. Definition. Stock which the issuing corporation retains the right to buy back on demand at a specified price.

Callable preferred stock is a type of preferred stock in which the issuer has the right to call in or redeem the stock at a pre-set price after a defined date. The terms of a callable preferred stock issue, such as the call price, the date after which it can be called, and the call premium (if any) Define callable stock. callable stock synonyms, callable stock pronunciation, callable stock translation, English dictionary definition of callable stock. Stock that the issuer reserves the right to buy back on demand at a previously agreed price. Loans and bonds may also be “callable.” The stock agreement (indenture) states that the stock is callable by the corporation after three years at $109 per share plus any accrued interest. If in the fourth year, market rates decline to say 7%, the corporation can call in the preferred stock by paying the call price of $109 plus any accrued interest. Callable stock is shares in a company that the company (the issuer) can buy back. Callable stock may be issued in order to have the option of retaining tighter control over a business, or to avoid paying interest on preferred stock. callable stock. Definition. Stock which the issuing corporation retains the right to buy back on demand at a specified price. A preferred stock that the issuing company may redeem under certain, stated circumstances. That is, the company may require the callable preferred stock to be exchanged for a given amount of cash.

A callable is an object allows you to use round parenthesis () and eventually pass some parameters, just like functions. Every time you define a function python creates a callable object. In example, you could define the function func in these ways (it's the same):

Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par and declines annually. Definition of callable. : capable of being called specifically : subject to a demand for presentation for payment callable bond. A callable bond is one that can be redeemed early by the issuer before its maturity. A callable bond allows companies to pay off their debt early and benefit from favorable interest rate moves. A callable bond benefits the investor with an attractive interest or coupon rate. Callable stock may be issued in order to have the option of retaining tighter control over a business, or to avoid paying interest on preferred stock. The issuer buys back the shares under the terms of an agreement that states the buy back price (known as the call price ) and the dates or circumstances under which the issuer can buy back the shares. Callable Preferred Stock is a type of preferred stock which gives the issuer the right to call or redeem the stock at a pre-set price after a pre-determined date. Also known as callable preferred shares, it is a popular means for financing large-scale organizations as it uses a combination of debt and equity financing.

A callable is an object allows you to use round parenthesis () and eventually pass some parameters, just like functions. Every time you define a function python creates a callable object. In example, you could define the function func in these ways (it's the same):

The stock agreement (indenture) states that the stock is callable by the corporation after three years at $109 per share plus any accrued interest. If in the fourth year, market rates decline to say 7%, the corporation can call in the preferred stock by paying the call price of $109 plus any accrued interest.

callable stock. Definition. Stock which the issuing corporation retains the right to buy back on demand at a specified price.

Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par Definition: Callable preferred stock gives the corporation the right to purchase/retire or “call” the stock from its shareholders at a specific future time and price usually determined at issuance. In other words, the company can force the shareholder to sell his stock back to the company at a given date in the future.

Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par and declines annually. Definition of callable. : capable of being called specifically : subject to a demand for presentation for payment callable bond. A callable bond is one that can be redeemed early by the issuer before its maturity. A callable bond allows companies to pay off their debt early and benefit from favorable interest rate moves. A callable bond benefits the investor with an attractive interest or coupon rate. Callable stock may be issued in order to have the option of retaining tighter control over a business, or to avoid paying interest on preferred stock. The issuer buys back the shares under the terms of an agreement that states the buy back price (known as the call price ) and the dates or circumstances under which the issuer can buy back the shares. Callable Preferred Stock is a type of preferred stock which gives the issuer the right to call or redeem the stock at a pre-set price after a pre-determined date. Also known as callable preferred shares, it is a popular means for financing large-scale organizations as it uses a combination of debt and equity financing. Callable Applies mainly to convertible securities. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity under specific conditions and at a stated price, which usually begins at a premium to par