Bitumen oil pucks

Canadian National Railway Co. says it is planning to build a pilot plant worth up to $50 million next year to create pucks made of oilsands bitumen to transport by rail and ships to customers CN Rail planning pilot plant to create oilsands bitumen pucks that are easy to ship and float in water CN has been working for years on a technology that mixes and coats the heavy, sticky oil with Can Bitumen 'Pucks' Save Canada's Oil Sands Producers? Nov. 15, 2018 2:37 PM ET new technologies seeks to lower the cost of oil sands transport by making oil sands "pellets" and "pucks." But

Over the past decade, uncertainty has been constant in Canada's oil and gas What's more, a project to transform oil-sands bitumen into “pucks” and wrap it  15 Feb 2017 bitumen or bituminous mixture, any oil derived from a bitumen or at 10° C ( approximately 50° F) bitumen has the hardness of a hockey puck. Is bitumen more corrosive than other crude oils? Transporting diluted bitumen is as safe as transporting other types of crude oil and it does not pose a greater risk   28 Dec 2017 Bitumen Pellets — A New Technology Holds the Key to Solving Oil Spills! into a semi-solid, around the size and shape of a hockey puck. The oil pucks would be transported in gondola cars which weigh less than an oil car. Gondola cars would allow CN to load more of the crude, and since the pucks don't need a diluent, the end result

11 Nov 2018 Vanadium is a by-product of bitumen production. Shell Canada. Enter Canapux - Hockey puck oil. CN claims that solid crude, never before 

11 Apr 2019 Raw bitumen at room temperature has the consistency of peanut butter. Below freezing, it's as hard as a hockey puck. To make it flow in a  26 Sep 2019 We may soon be adding bitumen o the list of manifests of the world stage as an oil port, with a shipment of Bitumen having recently transited also would remove the diluent and turn bitumen into hockey puck sized blocks  6 Sep 2017 Freshly patented and weeks away from pilot-scale production, the professor's revolutionary heavy oil and bitumen pellets may finally provide a  Bitumen will not flow unless heated or diluted with lighter hydrocarbons. From hockey-puck to maple syrup. Per Markestad is responsible for making the value  3 Apr 2018 CN claims the bitumen pucks float in water and do not leak or dissolve, Most of those new foreign markets, at least for crude oil, are in Asia, 

CN Rail planning pilot plant to create oilsands bitumen pucks that are easy to ship and float in water CN has been working for years on a technology that mixes and coats the heavy, sticky oil with

Introducing CanaPux™ - A CN innovation under development for an environmentally secure and protected way of transporting bitumen or heavy crude. Success of the invention will depend on whether oil-sands producers and refiners are willing to adopt the technology at a cost that is roughly equivalent to shipping bitumen with diluent now, CN says. CN Rail planning pilot plant to create oilsands bitumen pucks that are easy to ship and float in water CN has been working for years on a technology that mixes and coats the heavy, sticky oil with The CEO of an Indigenous energy company says a project to transform oilsands bitumen into pucks for safer shipping to customers around the world will potentially create needed jobs in northern Canadian National Railway Co. says it is planning to build a pilot plant worth up to $50 million next year to create pucks made of oilsands bitumen to transport by rail and ships to customers The Canadian National Railway Co. says it plans to build a C$50 million ($36.63 million) pilot plant in 2019 to turn bitumen into hockey puck-shaped oil-filled objects that can more easily be shipped by rail, Kallanish Energy reports. Canada’s biggest rail company is in talks with the federal and Alberta governments, along with potential oil-sand partners and the Heart Lake First Nation of

Can Bitumen 'Pucks' Save Canada's Oil Sands Producers? Nov. 15, 2018 2:37 PM ET new technologies seeks to lower the cost of oil sands transport by making oil sands "pellets" and "pucks." But

28 Dec 2017 Bitumen Pellets — A New Technology Holds the Key to Solving Oil Spills! into a semi-solid, around the size and shape of a hockey puck. The oil pucks would be transported in gondola cars which weigh less than an oil car. Gondola cars would allow CN to load more of the crude, and since the pucks don't need a diluent, the end result Now there’s a way to get Alberta oil to market without pipelines — and recycle plastic at the same time CN Rail, First Nations company partner to build bitumen pucks plant that will save oil

The oil pucks would be transported in gondola cars which weigh less than an oil car. Gondola cars would allow CN to load more of the crude, and since the pucks don't need a diluent, the end result

26 Sep 2019 We may soon be adding bitumen o the list of manifests of the world stage as an oil port, with a shipment of Bitumen having recently transited also would remove the diluent and turn bitumen into hockey puck sized blocks  6 Sep 2017 Freshly patented and weeks away from pilot-scale production, the professor's revolutionary heavy oil and bitumen pellets may finally provide a 

The Canadian National Railway Co. says it plans to build a C$50 million ($36.63 million) pilot plant in 2019 to turn bitumen into hockey puck-shaped oil-filled objects that can more easily be shipped by rail, Kallanish Energy reports. Canada’s biggest rail company is in talks with the federal and Alberta governments, along with potential oil-sand partners and the Heart Lake First Nation of Solid bitumen ‘pucks’ could help fix Canada’s oil transport problems. Cold refined bitumen (Wikimedia Commons/Burger) Canada’s largest rail company, Canada National Rail, has developed a product called CanaPux: solid, dry pucks of bitumen that float, do not easily dissolve and do not combust easily. A researcher at the University of Oil pucks and pellets; Canada eyes new ways to move stranded crude. Cal Broder said two refineries in China are interested in his BitCrude product, which he intends to produce from bitumen. He